Our Service Terms and SOP
TLDR 👉🏼 Simply send in email for enquiry in English, or book your reading now through Picktime 🙌🏼✨
Free One-card Reading Service
首次來訪 Nes’ Tarot 塔羅諮詢的朋友,都可以免費體驗一次「單張塔羅牌」占卜諮詢服務,解讀《您此刻最需要知道的事》,生活中所有範疇之提問均適用。
▶︎現在就試試問牌 (中文表單)
We offer a 1-card tarot reading service for all new visitors, 100% free, without any hidden cost or bait. The theme for your free reading: “What you need to know about your concern at this moment”. Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you soon!
▶︎Try your free reading now (form in English)
Book in advance
1. 預約線上問牌
(線上等/ 請留言)
線上等:請預留最少 24 小時
2. Nes’ Tarot 收到預約
3. 確認預約
請留言:預約確認後會於 4~5 個工作天內收到電郵回覆解答
4. 完成問牌後
Nes’ Tarot 於 7 個工作天內開立公司收據,寄送至同一電郵郵箱
- 所有線上問牌服務需完成付款才可確認預約成功
👉🏼 花一分鐘填寫預約單,輕鬆跟隨流程指示走~ - 開始諮詢前,請先思考您的問牌問題
- 如有必要,我們會調整問題再開始讀牌
- 諮詢提問支援:有關發問的技巧和組織提問建議,可查閱這篇
- Please book in advance and complete your payment in at least 24-hour prior to your scheduled time of any type (form) when reading online, including reading in email
👉🏼 Make your appointment here (through Picktime) - Email us if you need some little help concerning your question (e.g. to ask a valid question for tarot)
- We would reframe or rephrase your question when necessary
Live Distance Reading
- 遙距線上問牌請先填寫預約單
- 在線同步問牌以計時式收費 (每節 40 分鐘)
- 如果您使用手機連線,必須配合 Google Meet APP 以及使用 Google 帳戶;然而我們並不建議您使用手機連線問牌 (尤其身處戶外),以避免訊號接收不良影響讀牌溝通
- 讀牌分析內容涉及個人私隱,不適合家人或朋友陪同聽牌
- 敬請配備耳機連線,同時可減低聲音回授
- Make your reading appointment through Picktime 🙂
- Payment unit: per 40-min (basic, with top-up time in 10-min)
- We use Google Meet to communicate online (you have to join the meeting on desktop if you are not using a google/ gmail account)
- We suggest using earphones during the reading to protect your privacy and avoid audio feedback
Distance Reading in Email
- 電郵問牌請先填寫預約單
- 電郵問牌按次數收費,以同一時間點提出針對同一事件或範疇作準
- 洗牌一次
- 全面使用電郵溝通
– Nes’ Tarot 官方平台並不使用 LINE 或者 WhatsApp 等即時通訊工具,亦不會於 FB 或 IG 等社交平台訊息箱回覆個別問牌!請密切留意詐欺訊息 - 如未有標記使用個別牌卡種類,有關價格適用於所有牌卡
- 以電郵問牌的好處很多,詳細可以參考這篇
- Make your reading appointment now through Picktime – please ignore the time slots and select the most immediate date/ time (not applicable to reading in email)
- Payment unit: per reading
- Shuffle once
- All discussion and reading report delivered by email only
– Nes’ Tarot never use messaging app or social media inbox to reply individual’s reading! - Fee scheme applicable to all types of card system if not specified
有關「洗牌一次」 | About ‘shuffle once’
Shuffle once: there will be one time of deck shuffling per reading, except for some spreads which need another round(s) to complete the card laying. A brand new round of shuffling marks a new round of reading (another purchase of service).
Online Talk
- 請於最少 14 天前查詢預約
- 每 1 小時計算
- Booking in 14-day advance
- Payment by hour
- Enquiry 24/7 welcomed 🙂
實體商品購買 (暫時休店中)
Merchandise (temporary offline)
- 商品購買請移玉步至我們的網上商店,感謝各位支持 💛
- Nes’ Tarot 並沒有在其他網上購物賣場平台設定商品販賣點,請大家小心詐騙!
- Visit our official online store here 💛
- Currently we do not sell in any other online superstores or platforms – please be careful of scam or imposters!
Payment Methods
- 收到您的預約或購買訂單之後,我們會以電郵向您發送報價單 (invoice),再提示您接下來如何付款。我們的官方電郵地址有兩個:
- nes.tarot@gmail.com 或
- team.nestarot@gmail.com - 所有線上服務需要先完成付款,才可確認預約成功
- 收取付款方式包括銀行轉帳、FPS (轉數快)、PayMe、PayPal、Stripe,可用港幣 HKD、美元 USD、英鎊 GBP、台幣 TWD/NTD
- 諮詢服務不需要繳付商品增值稅 (VAT)
- 選擇以 PayPal 或 Stripe 付款,我們需額外收取 6% 附加匯率及商品處理費用 (所列出價目未包括此 6% 附加費)。如果您以港幣付款,建議您選用 FPS (轉數快)、PayMe 或 ATM 入帳
- After we have received your booking [through Picktime], we will get back to you with an invoice and instructions for payment. Our official email address: nes.tarot@gmail.com, or team.nestarot@gmail.com
- Your appointment will be confirmed after your payment has been verified
- Payment methods include bank or ATM cash-in, FPS, PayMe, PayPal, Stripe – in HKD, USD, GBP or TWD/NTD
- No VAT/ GST is required for all prices listed
- An additional charge of exchange rate and processing fee (6%) will be added to your order when you pay with PayPal or Stripe

請注意:Nes’ Tarot 的官方標準通訊工具為電子郵件。我們絕對不會使用任何電話號碼、電話短訊、社交平台例如 Facebook、IG 等訊息箱、即時通訊軟件例如 LINE、Whatsapp、Signal 等途徑向您收款。大家務必提防詐騙,並稍安勿躁,不必急於在預約確認前就馬上匯款喔!
We use email as our official tool to communicate with our customers or clients. We never use phone, SMS, social platforms’ inbox (e.g. Facebook, IG) or messaging app (e.g. LINE, WhatsApp, Signal) when we instruct or request payments from you. Please be aware of scam or imposters before you make any payment online.
- 不論購買地區及地點,我們會於提供服務或商品 (包括實體或非實體) 後的 7 個工作天內為您開出電子版公司收據,並電郵到你的郵箱
- You will receive an electronic receipt in your email within 7 working days after your merchandise (tangible or non tangible)
退還款項 (牌卡諮詢服務)
Refund Policy (reading service)
- 付款並完成的牌卡諮詢服務將不獲退款
- 已付款、未使用而未能退費的諮詢費用,可以相同金額抵換作購買 Nes’ Tarot 的其他商品或服務 (需保留已完成付款的單據以作參考)
- 若因為某種原因,導致 Nes’ Tarot 的牌卡師認為有需要終止該次問牌,將會為您退還全數付款。相關請參閱「專業操守及自我規範」
- 有關商品或服務退款、換貨等事宜,我們有一套清晰明確的準則,詳情可見「使用條款及私隱聲明 > 付款及退換貨」部份
- No refund for performed reading (of any type) – as a customised service, refund or replacement only applicable if the services are proved faulty at the moment they were sold
- Any paid but unperformed reading service can be retained as credit, for the exchanges of other goods or services – please present your receipt as your proof of payment
- You will receive full refund if we terminate your reading for some particular reasons – see Code of Ethics and Conduct
- For full details and terms concerning our return policy, see Terms of Use and Privacy Policy > Refunds and exchanges
- 收費如有更改,恕不另行通知
- Nes’ Tarot 不接受以下有關提問:a. 尋求治療病患建議;b. 尋求法律意見、評估或預測法庭判決 (無論案件是否已經進入司法程序);c. 與金錢或理財有關,包括各類型投資或買賣、尋求各式開運或招財方式、求偏財橫財運程;d. 針對超自然、通靈、魔法、咒語或巫術等非科學解說或執行。有關此項目請參閱「專業操守及自我規範」
- 預約問牌請記得守時。如果您預計將會遲到超過 5 分鐘,請先通知 Nes’ Tarot 為您更改預約時間,否則該節會預約可能會被取消
- 可自備紙筆或錄音/影工具記錄分析內容,並煩請於開始錄製前告知牌卡師
- 相信您自己:能解決問題的人永遠都不是牌卡或解牌者,而是您自己!
- All prices are subject to change without prior notice
- We do not accept the following questions for the cards:- a. Identifying physical or mental health issues, including any kind of disease, illness or disorder; b. Seeking legal advice, judicial assessment or prediction about court cases; c. Seeking financial advice, assessment, fortune-seeking, or prediction about any kind of financial gains; d. Reading about or for psychic matters, or any kind of reading which requires spiritual practises or psychic rituals, for example, mediumship, past life, spells or witchcraft, etc. See Code of Ethics and Conduct
- Please be on time for appointment. Your booking could be rescheduled if you’re late for more than 5 minutes (please contact us when you expect to be late)
- Please inform your reader when you audio/ video record with your phone during the consultation
- Always believe in yourself – you’re the person who hold the key to unlock your future!