Code of Ethics and Conduct

Nes’ Tarot (「讀牌者」) 需要為諮詢者保密所有內容,除非有關事態涉及危害人身生命安全。

All matters from the clients in Nes’ Tarot (“the reader”) will be kept private, except when there is a life-threatening issue.

Nes’ Tarot 不會預言或預知未來,但可以根據諮詢者在問牌當下的想法、行為和態度,使用塔羅、神諭卡等不同紙牌分析服務 (「讀牌」) 去為諮詢者推論之後有機會發生的事。所有選擇都需要由諮詢者自己決定及負起應有責任。

Nes’ Tarot neither predicts the future nor tells the clients what will happen in the future. The “prediction” (i.e., deduction, to be more accurate) is based on the probable outcome of matters according to or influenced by the clients’ current thoughts, behaviours and attitudes by the time of the consultation (“reading”) session using different types of cards in cartomancy, i.e., tarot, oracle cards, etc. Clients have the full responsibility to make all decisions or choices by themselves.

Nes’ Tarot 不會聲稱讀牌結果是唯一的諮詢解讀、指導或建議,諮詢者需要自己實踐解決問題的方式,並以自由意志決定行動方式,同時有權利參考第二意見。

All comments provided by Nes’ Tarot are only for clients’ reference and do not equal the only reading, guidance or suggestion for them. Clients have free-will to work out the solutions and make choices by themselves, or seek second opinions at any time.

Nes’ Tarot 會在讀牌分析時告知諮詢者最需要知道的事和應注意的重點,同時會說明個別討論乃屬於紙牌上出現的答案 (解牌) 或屬讀牌者的意見 (主觀建議),亦不會修改或扭曲問牌的答案用以討好諮詢者。

Nes’ Tarot will provide opinions which the clients need to know at the moment, not the opinions that they “want to hear”. All comments from either the cards’ imagery (interpretation) or personal comments (subjective suggestions) made by the reader will be stated clearly during the reading session. 

Nes’ Tarot 的諮詢服務採用雙向的溝通方式。在分析過程中讀牌者也許需要諮詢者的參與及適時回應提問,以便能夠從紙牌畫面中產生需要知道的解答。

Nes’ Tarot provides reading service which processes in 2-way communication. Clients need to open up and involve themselves in the reading, in order to communicate or answer some questions from the reader and to generate responses from the cards. 

Nes’ Tarot 會以合法的渠道與諮詢者溝通和接受付款,並以誠實、正面的態度提供有用而且實際可行的建議。

All communication and transaction methods used by Nes’ Tarot are legal. Comments provided by the reader is based on honesty, positivity and in common ground standards of behaviour which would benefit the clients to understand their matters. 

Nes’ Tarot 所提供的讀牌分析服務沒有 100% 準確度,讀牌討論和所得建議只作為參考之用。提醒諮詢者需要為自已的行為負責,切勿依賴及過度迷信於任何形式的紙牌諮詢分析或占卜。

Nes’ Tarot does not provide 100% accuracy on all kinds of reading, including tarot, oracle cards, etc. All results generated by the cards are for reference only. Clients are reminded not to rely on the cards or become addicted to cartomancy but to be responsible for their own behaviours in all aspects of life.

Nes’ Tarot 並非正規專業心理諮商或醫療服務。與健康有關的疑問,請向醫護人士尋求專業協助。

Nes’ Tarot cannot provide professional counselling service that identifies psychological or medical issues. If the clients experience physical or mental health matters including disease, illness or disorder, it is advised to consult competent medical or psychological assistance from qualified healthcare professionals.


If clients experience financial or any kind of transaction difficulties, it is advised to seek competent financial assistance from the relevant field.


If clients have doubts over legal matters, it is advised to seek competent legal assistance from qualified solicitors. 

Nes’ Tarot (the reader) is neither a qualified financial advisor, nor licensed attorney, lawyer, medical doctor, therapist or counsellor  Service from Nes’ Tarot does not offer medical or legal advice. All services are not intended to replace the counsel of professionals in their fields. In no way should your reading with Nes’ Tarot be construed as financial, legal, or medical advice. 
A tarot professional cannot predict the future with certainty and you should not rely on any form of card readings (i.e., cartomancy) to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, all card readings cannot replace qualified mental health care. A card reading can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation. 
​In certain jurisdictions, a tarot professional is required to disclose to you that all kinds of card readings should be for entertainment purposes only, and if such a law applies to your reading, then you are hereby on notice thereof. Nes’ Tarot is bound by a self-imposed code of ethics, which can be provided to you upon request.

Nes’ Tarot 不會提供任何形式的開運或招財方式,以及為將來的錢財運程提供預測。

Nes’ Tarot will not fortune-tell (i.e. predict) any future status in the field of monetary matters, or provide methods for yielding tangible/ physical financial gains.

Nes’ Tarot 不會提供任何形式的招桃花或斬桃花方式,以及為將來的感情運程提供預測。

Nes’ Tarot will not fortune-tell (i.e. predict) any future status in the field of love and relationship, or provide methods for yielding or cutting off real-life romantic encounters.

Nes’ Tarot 目前不會執行靈媒或女巫的事務。針對超自然、通靈、前世今生、靈魂投射、魔法、咒語或巫術等等的實踐手法,並不適用於 Nes’ Tarot 的讀牌分析。

Nes’ Tarot does not practise psychic rituals, i.e. spiritual practices performed by mediums, psychics, clairvoyants or witches. All practices related to supernatural matters, mediumship, reading about past lives, astral travelling, magick, spells or witchcraft, etc., do not apply to the readings executed in Nes’ Tarot.

每一位來到 Nes’ Tarot 的諮詢者,不論性別、年齡、種族、國籍、宗教信仰、社會階層或身份,在 Nes’ Tarot 裡面所有諮詢者的地位都是平等的。唯 2019 年 8 月 14 日起,Nes’ Tarot 不再為香港警務處 (HKPF) 現職人士、退休警務人員及其家屬提供任何服務。

All clients who come to Nes’ Tarot are equal, no matter the gender, age, ethnic, nationality, religion or belief, social status or identity. Notwithstanding, effective from Aug 14th 2019, Nes’ Tarot will not provide any kind of service for all current and retired Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) employees including police officers and non-officers, as well as their family members. #AgainstHongKongPoliceTerrorism

Nes’ Tarot 會為 18 歲以下諮詢者服務。

Nes’ Tarot reads for clients under 18 years of age.

在確認非在場的當事人同意之前,Nes’ Tarot 不會為諮詢者以外的第三方問牌,不會代表第三方提供在該事件中的個人意見 (想法)、解釋個人立場 (看法) 及作出理性決定 (選擇)。從牌的畫面中解讀出來有關第三方的答案,只屬於形容行為和情緒的感受性推測。

Nes’ Tarot will not read for the non-presence third-party (person) unless all parties are in mutual agreement, i.e., permission received, to proceed with the reading. Nes’ Tarot cannot represent the third-party (person) to provide his/ her opinions about the matter(s) through reading cards, to express his/ her personal standpoint, or to make rational decisions and choices. All answers discovered from the cards about the third-party (person) are only surmises in emotional and behavioural expressions.

Nes’ Tarot 有保留諮詢者問牌及分析紀錄的權利。然而 Nes’ Tarot︰1. 沒有為諮詢者存檔的義務;及 2. 必須盡責任將紀錄保密。

Nes’ Tarot does retain the files and develop a record-keeping system for storing personal information from clients and their readings. However Nes’ Tarot 1. does not owe any duty or obligation to keep the records; and 2. must preserve confidentiality and privacy for the contents filed.

諮詢者可要求 Nes’ Tarot 提供文字版本分析紀錄。

Clients at Nes’ Tarot may ask for black-on-white record(s) with the reading result.

有關 Nes’ Tarot 服務付款及退費的準則,請參閱「服務細則及流程介紹 > 退還款項」部份。

For issues related to service fees or refunding, please refer to Our Service Terms and SOP > Refund Policy.

Nes’ Tarot 有權利隨時中止讀牌。請參閱「服務細則及流程介紹 > 退還款項」部份。

Nes’ Tarot reserves the right to terminate a reading by any means. For further information please refer to Our Service Terms and SOP > Refund Policy.

如遇上諮詢者需要塔羅或任何形式讀牌分析、占星分析、命理分析、靈氣或水晶治療等包括但不限於以上相關服務轉介,Nes’ Tarot 不會因此而收到服務轉介金。若有轉介上的利益關係,Nes’ Tarot 必須在轉介前清楚告知諮詢者。第三方需要收取的任何費用與 Nes’ Tarot 無關。

Nes’ Tarot has no business or beneficial affiliation with groups, companies or organisations related to, including but not limited to the service of, for example, tarot reading or any form of cartomancy, astrology, Chinese numerology, Reiki or crystal healing. Any interest in relations between Nes’ Tarot and the third parties will be stated clearly to the clients before referral is made. All fees acquired by third parties are unrelated to Nes’ Tarot.

Nes’ Tarot 願意協助諮詢者找出可能的答案,亦建議諮詢者能跟隨良知與善良的心去決定問題的解決方式。

Nes’ Tarot will help the clients seeking possibilities to solve the problems. It is advised that all clients act according to his or her own conscience for the greater good of all concerned.

Nes’ Tarot 認為每一位諮詢者都有獨立思考能力,而且能夠不會過度使用及依賴任何形式的讀牌來找答案。諮詢者從來需要為自己的選擇及行為負責。

Nes’ Tarot believes that every client is able to think independently, and will not create co-dependency on tarot reading or rely on any form of card reading in cartomancy. All clients themselves are responsible for their own behaviours and choices.

If there is discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Chinese version shall prevail.

最後修正日期/ Last updated
16 FEB 2023