Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

我們是誰/ Who We Are 

此網站屬於「Nes’ Tarot 塔羅諮詢」、「Nes’ Tarot」、「Nes’ Aroma Lab」及網站 nes-tarot-com.preview-domain.com (下同「本公司」、「本網站」、「我們 (的)」)。

This website belongs to Nes’ Tarot, Nes’ Aroma Lab and nes-tarot-com.preview-domain.com (“the Company”, “this website”, “the website”, “we”, “us”, “our-”).

服務使用條款/ Terms and Conditions 

請仔細閱讀本網站的使用條款 (下同「條款」)。「您」係指本網站的到訪者、或從本公司購買商品與服務的消費者。「我們」的定義包括 1. Nes’ Tarot 及 Nes’ Aroma Lab 擁有者、與本公司有從屬或契約關係之公司或部門、公司內合作夥伴全體;2. 對本公司有義務工作關係之人士;3. Nes (本公司 CEO,全權擁有者兼負責人)。

在您被授權可使用本公司出版、發行或發佈之內容之前,形式包括出版文章、指南、習作本、書籍、影音發佈、指導教材或資源 (下同「教材」、「教學資源」、「學習資源」)、參與由本公司主辦之講習課、課程或工作坊 (下同「指導課程」)、登入由本公司運作之網上群組或網站會員部份,不論存放位置是否於本網站上或本公司正在使用中的第三方平台上,例如 Facebook 或 Medium 等,您都必須先同意本條款。


Please read the Terms of Use (“ToU”, “Terms”, or “terms”) carefully. “You”, “you”, “your-” means this website’s visitors or purchasers of products and services from the Company and this website. “The Company”, “we”, “us” and “our-” is defined as 1. Nes’ Tarot and Nes’ Aroma Lab, its owners, affiliated companies or departments, all coworking members or contracted parties within the Company; 2. Any volunteers or contributors to the Company; 3. Nes (the CEO and sole owner of the Company).

You must agree to these ToU before you are granted the right to use any information including articles, guides, workbooks, books, videos or audios, instructional contents or resources (collectively named as “instructional contents”) published or released by us; any tuition session, course or workshop conducted by the Company (collectively named as “tuition service”); or enter any forum or membership-only web pages operated by us, whether on this website or any other third-party platform such as Facebook, Medium, etc. 

These ToU are a contract between you and us. By using and interacting on this website, you agree and understand all of the terms listed below. 

1. 付款及退換貨/ Payment, refunds and exchanges

1.1 有關付款/ Payment

本公司接受的付款方式包括但不限於例如港幣 (HKD)、美元 (USD) 或英鎊 (GBP) 等不同貨幣。我們會在服務及商品上清楚標示幣值的價目,所有付款已包含應課銷售稅。您必須一次付清所購買的商品或服務之全部付款。

我們所接受現金交易及於網站上所列明之第三方付款方式 (電子錢包),詳情可參閱「服務細則及流程介紹 > 付款方式」部份,或本網站上個別商品與服務之相關網頁。於本網站外、本公司正在使用的電商購買及付款方法,請以於該電商可接受之方式為準。

We accept payment in, including but not limited to Hong Kong Dollars (HKD), the US Dollars (USD) or British Pounds (GBP), etc. Prices with different currencies will be listed clearly on our products and service page. All prices are inclusive of Value-added Tax. You must pay in full for the products or services offered by the Company.

We accept different forms of payment, including cash and third-party electronic payment methods (electronic wallets). For the full list of payment methods available, please refer to Our Service Terms and SOP > Payment or the terms and conditions contained in the relevant pages about your merchandise. When you purchase from the e-commerce platforms (online stores) outside nes-tarot-com.preview-domain.com, you are bounded to those kinds of payment methods available from their platforms.

1.2 有關退款與換貨/ Refunds and exchanges

以下有關退換貨權益之參考 | Reference for the guidelines in returns and giving refunds


此退換貨條款只適用於銷售予大眾消費者,而非商業營運公司 (B2B)。


根據英國《消費者合同條例》,如果您從遙距或網上購物,於購買前並未有看見商品本身,您有權利在收到商品後的 14 日「冷靜期」內取消您的購買。但是,根據有關條例,以下這些商品發貨及付款完成後,我們並不需要接受您的退款 (取消購買) 要求,包括以下項目:

  1. 出售時已經清楚標示為「瑕疵品」(有缺陷或不完美物品,又稱為「福利品」) 之商品,不論購買自我們的線上商店、實體門巿商店、辦公室或工作室;
  2. 因您的修改或維修,對物品本身做成任何改變或損壞的商品;
  3. 直接從我們的實體門巿、辦公室或工作室 (坊) 購買的商品,亦即在購買之前您已經看到商品的實物本身;
  4. 任何類型之客製化、購買時訂製的個人化商品或服務,例如手工薰香製品、精油複方調配、指定客製之天然石飾品等,只在確認證明售出時已存在缺陷或瑕疵才可獲退款或換貨;
  5. 已付款及完成解讀的紙牌分析服務 (下同「讀牌」),不論形式,乃屬於客製化商品,只在確認證明售出時已存在缺陷或瑕疵才可獲退款或換貨;
  6. 已付款及完成的香薰療程 (或名「芳香療法」,下同「芳療」),不論形式,乃屬於客製化商品,只在確認證明售出時已存在缺陷或瑕疵才可獲退款或換貨;
  7. 因個人衛生理由而帶有封條的商品,例如耳環、護手霜;
  8. 容易變壞的商品,例如新鮮、從未加工過的製香用草本植物材料;
  9. 已拆封或已除去封條的電子 (數碼) 可存檔商品,例如 USB 流動硬盤、CD、DVD;
  10. 期刊、雜誌、報紙;
  11. 於本公司所屬以外地方 (例如合作夥伴商店、電商平台) 所購買之本公司商品 – 退款及換貨準則需要跟隨該商店或平台的規定。

當您在下訂單及確認購買 (包括下載) 以下這些商品或服務時,我們會提醒您即將自動失去及同意失去使用 14 日「冷靜期」内可取消購買的權利:

  1. 需要從線上下載、串流,或從這個網站中取得的非實體電子 (數碼/位) 商品,例如電子書;
  2. 不分拆發售的商品,例如包裝成一份的手工製香材料。


  1. 所有完成寄送的商品及收貨 (包括服務進行完畢) 超過 14 日的購買,同時包括遙距或網上購物;
  2. 未能出示本公司收據的購買;
  3. 非本人的購買 (例如您作為接收禮物者而您並未持有購物收據);
  4. 已預繳付款,包括部份費用或全費,但未有於預約時段前通知改期、於預約時段中全程缺席並且失聯 (no-show) 的服務時數;
  5. 已預繳付款,包括部份費用或全費,但超過 180 日仍未結束的指導及教學課程時數;
  6. 已預繳付款,包括部份費用或全費,但超過 180 日仍未結束的芳療時數;
  7. 使用線上同步遙距問牌諮詢或教學服務時,因為訊號接收過於不良以外的其他原因而未能與我們連線,例如因為您沒有使用 Google 帳號導致登入 Meet/ Gmail/ Drive 失敗,或 VPN 失效等原因,以致於未能使用 Nes’ Tarot 的服務。我們會於您購買或預約時再次提醒您有關這一點的消費者責任及重要性。


  1. 購買時商品並沒有任何故障 (缺陷或瑕疵,下同)、而自購買日起的 6 個月內出現故障,而您已檢查過並接受了該商品;
  2. 自購買日起的 6 個月後,證實購買商品時已經出現故障。


持有本公司有效收據,於購買後之 14 日內,可選擇取消購買 (退款) 或換取相同價格之商品或服務,包括以下項目:

  1. 已預約及付款、但於預約時段開始前已預先改期的現場線上服務,或面對面預約;
  2. 已預約及付款、但於預約時段開始前已預先改期,並未曾調配過任何客制配方的芳療服務;
  3. 自出售後完全未曾拆封過、未使用過、全新現成及非易變壞商品,並沒有經過客製化,例如塔羅牌,而且包裝維持完整、密封或未被破壞的狀態,商品質量及份量並未改變;
  4. 現成、非客製化或訂製之天然石 (晶石) 商品,於退貨時沒有任何損壞或外貌之轉變 (包括於溫度、濕氣、熱力、低溫、壓力等情況下發生的任何自然、不能預估之風化或損壞)。

我們為您退還款項的期限,為您通知我們取消購買、並確認可獲退款後的 14 日內,而您亦同時必須於 14 日內退回取消購買之商品。您可能需要負擔退貨商品的全部或部份運送費用,例如普通郵遞及快遞之間的差額,請務必於購買前參考個別商品之購買說明。

如果您在收到商品後,使用時超出了確認其性質、特徵和功能所需要的方式,我們將保留從您的退款中扣除款項 (收取部份費用) 的權利。例如您打開一瓶密封的精油,此為合理做法;但如果您使用過商品,即降低了它的價值,您很可能需要因此而付款。

所有的退款將以繳款之同一貨幣單位退回;不論本來之付款方式,我們將保留不同形式的個別退款方式,例如透過 ATM 手動轉帳至您的戶口。除了現金退款屬即時生效之外,於任何第三方付款平台、即以電子錢包或繳款方式付款後之要求退款,需要數個工作天以作處理 (按照相關金融系統之工作日程而定)。因應不同地區及幣值,您將負擔兌換匯率及相關手續費用。

對於退款、退貨及換貨,本公司已列出明確清晰的政策;因此,我們不接受任何形式的交易糾紛退款威脅與脅迫,包括來自您的付款處理方 (第三方電子付款平台) 或您選用的信用卡公司。本公司必保留權利向相關信用報告機構通報您的拒付事件,或會直接向相關經濟或金融部門提出訴訟,這可能會對您的信用報告分數產生負面影響。以上這些訊息將包括您的真實姓名、電郵和/或實際賬單地址、訂單詳細內容和訂單日期。


Refunds and exchanges are provided only as set forth below or as required by law. Your statutory rights should remain unaffected if any conflict or dispute arises – this policy is offered in addition to your legal rights, and it is our responsibility to provide you with services and merchandise that meet your consumer rights. Please contact us when you have any concerns about the legal obligations that we should meet.

This return and exchange guidance does not apply to the selling of goods or services to other businesses (B2B).

Products or services purchased directly from us, including on this website or our e-commerce [third-party] platforms, may have different terms and methods upon refund and exchange. You should refer and agree to the terms and conditions contained in the relevant page(s) of the merchandise. Before your purchase, you should always acknowledge and confirm the details about the items before you place an order. 

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations (of the United Kingdom), you have the right to cancel an order up to 14 days of “cooling-off” period after it was placed and being delivered, if you have not seen the item(s) in person, i.e., through distance or online purchasing. However, as well as according to the Regulations, we cannot accept refund (cancellation) or return request for the following merchandise:

  1. Items which have already labelled faulty (flaws, defects), i.e., you acknowledge the faulty status before you buy them, from our online store, physical store, office or workshop;
  2. Items which have been modified or damaged because of your alteration or repairment; 
  3. Items you bought directly in person from our physical store, office or workshop, i.e., you have actually seen them before you placed the order;
  4. Customised (made to order) products or services, for example handmade incense products, essential oil blends or personalised crystal stones accessories – refund or replacement only applicable if they are proved faulty at the moment they were sold;
  5. Card reading service which has been paid, completed with spread(s) and cards interpretation – as a customised (made to order) service, refund or replacement only applicable if they are proved faulty at the moment they were sold;
  6. Aromatherapy service which has been paid and completed – as a customised (made to order) service, refund or replacement only applicable if they are proved faulty at the moment they were sold;
  7. Merchandise with hygiene seals, for example earrings or hand lotions;
  8. Perishable items, for example herbal materials for incense making which is fresh, raw or untreated in nature;
  9. Unpacked or unsealed digital storage products, for example USB, CD, DVD;
  10. Periodicals, magazines and newspapers;
  11. Products purchased from other sources (affiliates, business partners or 3rd party platforms), other than from our website or physical store directly – the policy for refund or exchange depends on those partners.

You will automatically lost your right of 14-day cancellation (refund or return) for the following merchandise, while you will be reminded of losing this right when you place your order (including download starts) and agree on the terms:

  1. Digitised merchandises which is intangible, need to be electronically streamed or downloaded from the internet cloud drive or accessed from this website, for example ebooks;
  2. Inseparable items, for example DIY items for incense making which comes in a pack when being sold.

Except as required by law, we cannot guarantee refunds (“money back guarantee”) for: 

  1. All purchases including distance selling items, which has been completed or performed for more than 14 days;
  2. Items without the proof of purchase (receipt);
  3. Any person who were not the original buyer, i.e., you are the recipient without the proof of purchase;
  4. Service fee which has been paid, whether in full payment or partially, yet not been notified to reschedule prior to the appointment and no-show (absent and unreachable) during the initial scheduled period;
  5. Tuition service which has been paid, whether in full payment or partially, yet not having been performed, after 180 days; 
  6. Aromatherapy service which has been paid, whether in full payment or partially, yet not having been performed, after 180 days; 
  7. Not due to poor internet signal, but you fail to login to Google Meet, Gmail or Google Drive, or fail to connect to Google with your VPN tool when you have to connect live call, streaming services or downloads with us. – You will be reminded of your responsibility for your Google login, the internet firewall or VPN issues before you place an order and in our payment confirmation to you, for using any of our online services.

With the Company’s official receipt, we do offer replacements or repairs for the following merchandises:

  1. Fully inspected and accepted items which are not labelled faulty, but found faulty (defect) within 6 months from the date of purchase;
  2. An item which is proved to be faulty (defect) on the day when it was being sold, after 6 months from the date of purchase.

Certain fees may apply for repairing items, for example postal fee for your merchandise return, or replacing new parts for handmade accessories.

With the Company’s official receipt, we do offer refund, exchanges or compensation for the following merchandises, with replacement in the same product or service, or offer credit notes, within 14 days after your purchases:

  1. Reading service or tuition service, online or offline (face to face), which has been paid but rescheduled prior to the appointment;
  2. Aromatherapy service, which has been paid but rescheduled prior to the appointment, without any made to order essential oil formula or prescription; 
  3. Unopened, unused, brand new merchandise of ready-made or non-perishable items (for example tarot decks), which are not made to order or personalised, and the packaging is completely intact, fully-sealed or undamaged, without any quality or quantity change;
  4. Crystal stones merchandise which is not custom-made or made to order, without any damage, or natural changes in appearance or texture after the purchase (including any natural, unpredictable wearing or being worn off of the stones, by exposure to the atmosphere in any natural environments such as temperature, moisture, heat, coldness, pressure, etc).

You will receive your cancellation refund within 14 days upon your request. You have a further 14 days to return the item after notifying us. You may need to be liable for paying for returns in full cost or partially, for example to cover the differences in using standard post or express delivery. You should refer and agree to the terms and conditions contained in the relevant pages about your merchandise before your purchase.

We reserve the right to deduct an amount from the reimbursement (or charge you) if you have diminished the value of the goods by handling them beyond what is necessary to establish their nature, characteristics and function. For example, it is reasonable to open a sealed bottle of essential oil after you have purchased them; however you may need to pay if you have used them and reduced their value.

We reserve the right to use different methods to refund your original payment (for example, payment in cash or cheque may be refunded through ATM bank-in instead of in cash). All refunds will be paid in the currency in which it was received by the Company and could take up a few days for processing. You are liable for the costs of exchange according to your location and currencies you have chosen to pay with.

We have an explicit, clear policy about refunding in the ToU which you have agreed to prior to purchasing from us, therefore, we do not accept any kind of chargeback threat or actual chargeback from your payment processor (third-party electronic payment platform) or credit card company. The Company reserves the right to report chargeback incidents to the relevant credit reporting agencies, or directly file the case to the financial departments accordingly, which could have a negative impact on your credit report score. Those information will include your real name, email and/ or actual billing address, order details and order date. 

Any chargeback threateners or refund abusers who wish to be removed from the database should make payment for the amount of such threatened chargeback. Customers who send chargeback threats without legitimate reasons will be blacklisted from the Company immediately without further consideration or discussion.

1.3 終止服務/ Termination of service


The Company reserves the right in its sole discretion to refuse or terminate your access or to use our  instructional contents and tuition service, in full or in part, at any time without notice. In the event of the cancellation termination, you are no longer authorised to access our service affected by such cancellation or termination. The restrictions imposed on you in the ToU concerning our instructional contents and tuition service will still apply now and in the future, even after termination by you or the Company. 

2. 發行物品之著作權及知識產權 (智財權)/ Copyright and intellectual property rights

此部份之「著作權」及「知識產權 (智財權)」係指由本公司編寫並發佈的原著內容,以下會以「著作權」作為統稱。

所有於本網站、其使用中的社交平台上、以及任何線下印刷品,包括但不限於例如 Medium、YouTube、Facebook、電郵、紙本印刷品等,所發佈包含文字、圖像、錄影、錄音、網站排版設計等與本公司業務相關的資訊內容,著作權均由本公司持有。





All text, graphics, video and audio recordings, layout, and design (look and feel), all types of contents in any digital format accessible on this website, and all published contents on the third-party platforms the Company is using, including but not limited to Medium, YouTube, Facebook, etc., and the information contained in the emails or newsletters, unless otherwise noted, is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. 

Instructional contents: All the copyrighted intellectual properties of instructional contents, can be applied to your own use, or in your own tarot business, and no event shall you, or any person or entity that you authorise, use those intellectual properties for any other purpose including but not limited to the sale or assign the licence of online articles, guides, workbooks, books, video or audio recordings, etc., without prior written consent from us. 

Brand guidelines: The Company has the right to require you to use our trademark, to follow our quality control guidelines, stop using our intellectual properties, or to terminate your access to any content, at its sole discretion. 

Inheriting knowledge: copying, duplicating or reproducing the same content without modification and claiming to be one’s original work is plagiarism and copyright infringement. However, knowledge and thoughts should not be bound by copyright; copyrighted contents can still be quoted, paraphrased or summarised along with appropriate references pointing to the original sources.

The agreement about the intellectual properties may be modified or amended in writing at any time. 

2.1 教材及學習資源之授權使用限制/ Our limited license to you in using the instructional contents


所(擁)有權:您可以使用、下載或印製學習資源,以供個人使用;但以些這些內容的擁有權仍然屬於本公司。您不可抄襲、複製、重新發佈、再重現、展示、分發或出售那些學習資源給與任何第三方,亦不能使用學習資源創造直接收入 (而非廣泛應用於您的業務中)。

標誌及商標:在知識產權及版權保障範圍以內,任何於教材中出現的「Nes’ Tarot」、「Nes’ Aroma Lab」標誌或商標,除非另有標示,否則均為本公司所擁有。我們嚴禁在未經本公司允許下於互聯網上套用或採用本公司的標誌或商標。


您的私隱:您得悉本公司能因為任何目的、包括廣告或其他商業目的,有權但無義務使用您的肖像,並識別您是該評論、留言發文、圖像、在線化名的內容投稿者。本公司在對外分享您的投稿前,我們會通知您 (分享內容的來源/擁有者),並且可以出於任何原因而隨時選擇停止使用任何此類投稿。



未經授權之使用:除本條款之協議中的明確授權或獲得書面許可之使用外,任何其他的使用教材或學習資源方式均會被定義為「未經授權之使用」。於此情況下,您同意繳付原付款額五倍之違約金,或至少 USD2000 之費用,即等於「一對一塔羅教學」的完整課程費用。如果您並沒有繳付過任何教材或指導課程,本公司有資格採取任何額外的法律或補救措施。這是針對上述未經授權使用而約定的違約金而非罰款。


請求商業使用:如希望獲得公司的書面許可及商業使用的授權,或分享本公司中受知識產權保護的任何內容,請發送電子郵件至 nes.tarot@gmail.com 查詢。商業使用我們提供的任何內容之前,您應該先請求商業使用許可,而此授權許可將被限制於本公司通過書面授權您的方式之內。

Limited licence: You will be considered our Licensee when you view, purchase, or access any kinds of publishing forms of instructional contents from the Company’s website and the third-party platforms which we are operating. You are granted a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable licence for personal, non-commercial use only. This licence is only limited to you; this means you can view, use, download, or print the contents for personal purposes or in your own business. 

Ownership: Even though you can use, download, or print the instructional contents for personal use, the ownership of those contents still belongs to the Company. You cannot copy, duplicate, republish, reproduce, display, distribute or sell those contents to any third-person, or otherwise use any contents in any way that creates direct income, other than only apply them broadly in your business generally. 

Logos and trademarks: The Nes’ Tarot or Nes’ Aroma Lab logo, or trademark, displayed in any kind of instructional contents are intellectual properties belonging to the Company unless otherwise indicated. We strictly prohibit any framing or text utilising our trademarks on the internet without our permission. 

Your licence to us: When you send or submit any contents to the website or using the third-party platforms that the Company is operating in the internet, including words (comments), graphics (photos or images), videos or audios or other contributions, or participate in our live activities including calls, webinars, any face-to-face activities (your face and voice which can be recognizable), you are also granting us a non-exclusive, irrevocable, unlimited, royalty-free, transferable licence and right to use, copy, modify, create derivative works from, and publicly display your contributions in whole or in part, in any platform or medium, for pre-existing, present or future development, for any purpose. This right includes granting us intellectual property rights without further permission from you, or any compensation to you, or to identify you as the source of the properties at any time. 

Your privacy: You acknowledge that the Company also has the right but not the obligation to use your likeness and identify you as the contributor of the comments, posts, images, screen name, for any purposes including advertising or other commercial purposes. We will inform you (the source of shared contents) if we intend to share your contribution outside the Company, and may elect to cease the use of any such contributions at any time for any reason. 

Under all circumstances, we will not display or expose details of your personal information to the public or the third parties. Please check this form to see more about authorising us using your reading case for the purpose of studying tarot (Chinese only). 

Infringement: Any kind of unauthorised use, or reproduction of the instructional contents or the trademarks, shall constitute infringement. All rights not expressly granted in these terms or any express written licence are reserved by us.

Unauthorised use: Any use of the instructional contents other than expressly authorised in this agreement or written permission, is to be defined as “unauthorised use”. In this case, you agree to pay liquidated damages of 5 (five) times the total fees you paid for the contents in the event of your unauthorised use, or a minimum of USD2000, which equals the total fee of the One-on-One Tarot Tutorial in full course. If you did not pay fees for any instructional contents or tuition service, in addition to any legal or equitable remedies the Company may be entitled to pursue. This is not a penalty but an agreed liquidated damages charge for the mentioned unauthorised use. 

Any usage of our intellectual properties in the ways that the Company does not authorise you or permit you, will be treated as if you had duplicated or stolen properties from us. In case of unauthorised use, you consent to stop using such properties, to take whatever actions as we may request, and by the methods and in the time frame what we prescribe to protect our intellectual properties and ownership rights of published contents. 

Permission in commercial usage: For receiving written permission and prior authorization of commercial use, or sharing the contents or any type of intellectual properties from the Company, please send an email to nes.tarot@gmail.com for inquiry. You should request this permission before you use any contents from us, and the granted permission to you is entirely restricted only in the ways for which the Company has given you through the written permission.

2.2 參考本網站的免費資源/ Free resources from this website


從本公司網站中或所使用之第三方平台上引用、轉載、或直接採用任何免費分享的觀點或教學內容時,您必須加入原文連結 (original links)、資料來源之參考 (referencings) 或註腳 (footnotes)。


We do not exclusively own or produce the knowledge or opinions about tarot, oracle cards, cartomancy and aromatherapy. All information or resources shared publicly free of charge on this website or our social platforms are collective wisdom, knowledge, and experience from other users, including well-known tarot masters, book authors, seasoned teachers, cartomancy practitioners and aromatherapists, etc. We widely collect, adopt and compile these knowledge and share all those to you.

When quoting, directly adapting contents, resources, or ideas from our free resources on this website or the third-party platforms which the Company is using, you should share the original links, use a proper referencing system or add footnotes to credit the Company’s original source. 

Any content shared for free from us, or the non-exclusive ownership of that knowledge, does not mean those contents are not protected by copyright (intellectual property) laws. You should respect this ToU agreement, the laws for copyrights and intellectual property rights when you use any of the free contents shared by us.

3. 個人責任與風險承擔、免責事項/ Personal responsibility, assumption of risk and disclaimer

3.1 紙牌分析服務免責聲明/ Card reading service disclaimer





All information you receive from this website or in a card reading, including but not limited to the service of reading, for example, tarot or oracle cards, etc., is delivered for entertainment and information purposes only. Tarot does not equal science thus never base critical decisions on those readings; please use personal judgement and common sense to make decisions regarding your issues. 

All information and opinions given by our tarot readers are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for professional advice from medical professionals, financial advisors, or lawyers. You are responsible for your own physical, mental, emotional, financial, and legal well-being. You should consult with a professional if you have any specific need for your unique situation. The Company disclaims any liability for your reliance on those opinions contained in the instructional contents in any form.

The Company is not responsible for how you make use of the information you received on this website and through any reading, whether it is a paid session or for free. Under all circumstances, we will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages caused to you or any other person, arising from the use of this website or any type of reading session.

Our readers reserve the right to refuse to read for any person for any reason, whether it is a free trial or a paid service. Reading service may terminate at any time for some inappropriate issues, including but not limited to, for example, inquirers being regarded as under the effect of alcohol or drugs; or behave in a disrespectful, threatening, or abusive manner either physically or verbally.

3.2 授權分享個案免責聲明/ Our disclaimer about your reading case sharing 




Prior to the publishing of your reading cases as tarot case-study, we must obtain authorization from you and let you know the risk of exposing the matters from your reading(s) to the public. Before we are granted with your authorization, we will not expose or share details of your readings to any third-party in any way. Under all circumstances, even with your permission, we will not display or expose details of your personal information in the sharing. 

When you authorise us the right to publish your reading case, you have to understand and be responsible for all the risk of exposing personal matters to the public. We disclaim any responsibility and will not be held legally responsible for any issue that may arise after publishing your case.

Please check this form (in Chinese only) to see more about authorising us using your reading case for the purpose of tarot case-studying, to understand your rights and our disclaimer in sharing your case.

3.3 教學內容免責聲明/ Instructional contents disclaimer



All kinds of publishing forms of instructional contents, products, and services released by the Company, including but not limited to articles, videos, and audios for tarot cards, oracle cards, cartomancy, incense making or aroma products making on this website, and our social platforms or affiliate partners’ websites, provide information for self-learning and entertainment only. None of the contents provides or can replace any psychological, medical, financial, or legal services or advice, cures or treats any mental or medical condition. 

Your responsibility: We will only provide you information, knowledge, or opinions about tarot cards, oracle cards, cartomancy, incense making or aroma products making for unconventional education purposes, and will not be liable or responsible for contents other than those included in the instructional contents and tuition service. You will be responsible for all resources, equipment, employees, or any materials required for your own business. 

3.4 教學保證之聲明及擔保/ Warranties of instructional contents



本公司使用之網站托管及寄存服務商為 Hostinger,網絡雲端服務供應為 Google。我們不保證本公司網站所提供的資源在世界各地均適用或可用。在您身處的位置訪問本網站之內容時,均為您的主動意圖,並會主動了解及承諾自己有遵守所在地之有關法律。

All tuition service and all instructional resources offered by the Company are provided “as is”, without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

We do not warrant that those contents, any part of this website or any of its functions will be error-free, that defects will be amended, or the website which contains the contents will be free of viruses or other harmful components. We will try to, however, can not 100% guarantee those contents are uninterrupted, unsuspended, unrestricted, not in maintenance or error-free. The Company will not be liable for any direct or indirect, consequential, or accidental damages that result from the use, or the inability to use any kind of the contents, which have been published to the public. 

We operate the website from our web hosting company Hostinger and cloud services provided by Google. We do not guarantee all contents are appropriate or available for use in some locations around the world. When you access the contents from your location(s), you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with your own location’s local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

3.5 學習及課程成效免責聲明/ Learning results disclaimer


The Company has not made and does not make any representations about the results you may receive as a result of your participation in any tuition service, course, or self-involvement in any of the instructional contents provided by us. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will achieve particular results from your use of the instructional contents, and you agree that results differ for each individual. Any testimonial or review you found on this website, or the third-party or social platforms which we are using, are genuine, however, those reviews do not represent guarantees for similar results and they are only personal comments from individuals.

3.6 現場活動免責聲明/ Live activities disclaimer 


You should agree that the Company is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen property during any live activity. 

3.7 香薰療程 (芳香療法) 免責聲明/ Aromatherapy service disclaimer



您需要自行衡量並承擔所有使用芳療資訊、芳療服務及產品之風險。對於您使用本公司的資訊、誤用精油或者其他香薰產品所引起的任何損失,包括金錢利益及無形的損失,我們不承擔任何法律責任,亦概不負責於您的任何求償 (法律上已隱含的的條例除外)。

The aromatherapy information or products provided by the Company is intended for personal use and suggestions only. It cannot replace professional medical consultation or treatment advice and is not a substitute for medication. If you are currently under medical treatment, taking any medication, pregnant or potentially pregnant, or concerned about the suitability of aromatherapy for your health condition, please seek professional assistance from healthcare professionals.

We do not assume any responsibility for the applicability, quality, and reliability of aromatherapy products. You should carefully analyse product information, usage, and precautions before use. As aromatherapy is considered a complementary therapy, its effectiveness varies from person to person; we cannot guarantee the results from using aromatherapy products or services.

You should assess all risks associated with the application of aromatherapy including its information, services and products. We are not liable for any losses, including financial and intangible losses, arising from your use of our information, misuse of essential oils, or other aromatherapy products. We do not accept any legal responsibility for your claims, except as expressly provided by law.

3.8 您在本網站及第三方平台上的責任/ Your responsibility on our website and third-party platforms


您提交給本公司或本公司所營運的社交平台之任何材料,我們均保留修改或刪除的權利 (包括全部內容或部份內容)。即使如此,無論是在本網站或第三方平台上,對於第三方提交的貼文、意見或任何內容,我們均沒有義務及責任去監督、認受或為其背書。因第三方的內容而造成的任何損失或損害,本公司概不負責。

You are responsible and liable for what materials you submit to, upload to or share on any platforms on the internet, including this website and the third-party platforms operated by the Company. All materials you post on the internet may become public, and all your participation will be at your own risk at any time. You must be respectful when you post a comment, joining a conversation, whether in a public or private group on this website or a third-party platform operated by the Company. During your communication or in your sharing, content which is repeatedly spamming, knowingly false, harassing, threatening, vulgar or obscene, abusive, defamatory or in violation of any law or the right of others is not allowed. 

We reserve the right to modify or delete, in whole or part of any material you have submitted to the Company or its social platforms. Nevertheless, we neither have the obligation or the responsibility to monitor, to endorse, to make any representations to the validity of any posts, comments or any type of contents submitted by third parties, whether on this website or on third-party platforms operated by us. The Company is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by third-party’s contents at any time.

3.9 有關未成年人士/ Terms for under-18

我們會為未成年人士,即 18 歲以下諮詢者提供讀牌服務、芳療服務、接受商品購買及電子訂閱;然而於本公司付款購買任何商品與服務之前,未成年人士必須先取得家長或監護人的允許,承認家長或監護人已查閱及同意此條款及私隱聲明,而且家長或監護人需要。這些條款適用於家長或監護人以及他們監護中的未成年人;父母或監護人也有權代表他們的未成年人訂立這些條款。

責任:對於未滿 18 歲人士之服務使用,本公司不會負任何責任。

The Company provides card reading service (“readings”), aromatherapy service, accepts purchases, and allows opt-in subscriptions for inquirers under 18 years of age. However, the minors must ask for permission and should acknowledge that their parents/ guardians have reviewed, understood and agreed to the ToU and Privacy Policy before placing any payment on products or services provided by us. These ToU are interpreted as if those terms applied to both parents/ guardians and their minors; parents/ guardians also have the legal authority to enter into these terms on behalf of their minors. 

Liability: The Company disclaims all liability for use by individuals under the age of 18.

3.10 賠償及有限責任/ Indemnification and hold harmless agreement 



  1. 當您使用我們的教材、或任何擁有智慧財產權之內容時,但違反或侵害了本使用條款條文;
  2. 當您使用我們的教材、或任何擁有智慧財產權之內容時,除非索償乃基於本公司所創造的材料侵犯了第三方之權利;
  3. 您違反了這些條款,或任何您在此的聲明或保證;
  4. 當您於本網站或本公司所使用的第三方平台上張貼留言、發文;
  5. 您違反了您與第三方之間的任何協議或條款。


Hold harmless agreement: By purchasing any product and services, or using any intellectual property from us, or joining any live activity hosted by us, you agree and understand the risk and responsibility for injuries or damages to whatsoever, covenant not to sue and hold harmless the Company for any liability to you for any claims, arising out of your connections with us, whether or not caused by the active or passive negligence of us. 

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Company from and against any obligations, liabilities, damages, costs, debt, and expenses, arising from or in connection with: 

  1. Your usage of any of the instructional contents or any of our intellectual property from us on this website, in violation, or any breach of you of the ToU;
  2. Your usage of any of the instructional contents or any of our intellectual property from us on this website, except when the claim is based upon infringement of a third-party right by contents created by the Company;
  3. Any breach by you, or any representation and warranty made by you in these terms and policy herein; 
  4. Your posts, comments, or information you submitted to this website or third-party platforms of the Company; 
  5. Your violation of the applicable law or any agreement or terms, with affiliates or third-party platforms with the Company.

When the hold harmless provision is held unenforceable for any reason, you agree to limit any damages claimed to the total amount you paid us in your purchase. 

4. 其他條款/ Miscellaneous 




不可抗力:若因無法合理控制之外的情況導致無法確實履約 (例如天災、戰爭、恐怖攻擊、暴動、勞動條件、政府措施以及網路不穩),雙方當事人均無需負責。

Compliance with laws: Both you and the Company will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations in fulfilling its obligations and exercising its rights and performing its obligations under this agreement.

Severability: If any provision of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the balance of this agreement will remain in full force and effect.

No waiver: Failure to enforce any provision will not constitute a waiver.

Force majeure: Neither you nor the Company will be liable for inadequate performance to the extent caused by a condition (for example, natural disaster, the act of war or terrorism, riot, labour dispute, governmental action, and internet disturbance) that was beyond reasonable control.


These ToU are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by law. If any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that the ToU will be severed and the balance will continue in full legal force and effect. As an agreement to both parties, the ToU is a reflection of respect and understanding of the subject matter. The agreement supersedes all prior written and spoken representations.

私隱政策/ Privacy Policy

您的私隱是我們的首要考量。請仔細閱讀此私隱政策 (下同「政策」),了解以下重要訊息:有關我們如何及為什麼要收集、儲存、使用、分享您的個人資訊、在您的個人資訊上您擁有的權利,以及如何在對此政策有疑問時聯絡我們。

Your privacy is the foremost concern for us. Please read this Privacy Policy (“Policy”, “policy”) carefully; it contains important information about how and why we collect, store, use, and share personal information from you, also your rights in relation to your personal information, and on how to contact us when you have doubts about the Policy.

1. 個人資料保護/ Your personal data protection

於蒐集、保存或使用您的個人資料時,本公司必須遵守英國、香港及台灣的個人資料保護規定 [有關連結參考英文版]。歧義出現時,我們需盡力以保障您的私隱為優先 (即跟從較為嚴謹的條件)。

Regarding the collection, reserving or use of your personal information and data, the Company complies with the full extent permitted by the following acts or ordinance. When ambiguity arises, the priority is given to your privacy by agreeing with the stricter acts or ordinance listed above. 

2. 我們收集的資料及原因/ Personal information we collect and why



  1. 使用電子設備在我們的網站或網上商店購物,您提供了您的真實名字、性別、所屬年齡層、購買商品內容及偏好;
  2. 購買我們的讀牌服務,您提供了您的名字/稱呼、性別、所屬年齡層,及很可能透露出一些較為個人的資訊,例如生日日期、您的職業或所屬行業、婚姻狀況、家庭背景等內容。與紙牌分析服務有關的私隱考量,請參閱「專業操守及自我規範」及本條款中「您的紙牌分析紀錄」部份;
  3. 參與我們任何形式的指導課程,您提供了您的名字、聯絡資料、購買偏好,及在塔羅或牌卡學習上的相關程度;
  4. 購買或/及參與我們的芳療服務,您提供了您的名字/稱呼、性別、所屬年齡層,及很可能透露出一些較為個人的資訊,例如職業、婚姻狀況、健康及病歷紀錄等內容;
  5. 從我們的合作夥伴或使用中的第三方平台購買商品,您了解那些平台各自有不同的使用條款及私隱政策;
  6. 使用電郵或在此網站裡的聯絡表單與我們聯絡,您提供了您的名字、聯絡資料、查詢內容、以及在該查詢中的回覆或回應;
  7. 在此網站上登記成為會員,利用個人登入帳號和密碼去使用會員限定資訊,您提供了您的登入名字、電郵、性別,以及登入這網站中的密碼;
  8. 訂閱我們的電子通訊刊物,去接收有關塔羅、牌卡占卜或相關的資訊,或有關學習塔羅的資源,您提供了您的名字、電郵,及學習身心靈相關項目的偏好;
  9. 訂閱我們的通訊錄,不論為電子通訊或實體郵件,您提供了名字、聯絡資料、購買偏好,以便接收我們的商品及服務推廣宣傳;
  10. 在我們使用的社交平台上,例如 Medium,於該平台或發文中加追蹤、留言、回應,我們可收集到有關您的公眾版面資訊;
  11. 參與抽獎比賽,不論為網上或實體,您提供了名字、聯絡資料,以及您對商品的選擇偏好,以便接收我們的通知與獎項;
  12. 參與問卷調查,不論為網上或實體,您提供了與該次問卷調查相關所需要的個人資料,而您有權利去選擇是否允許我們在該次問卷調查以外使用您的資料;
  13. 當您到訪此網站、或本公司正在使用的第三方平台,我們會評估、檢閱和分析有關來訪者的非個人化數據,以便發展與改善我們為您提供的服務。

如果您到訪此網站而沒有下載過任何從 Google 而來的檔案、或填寫任何表格、或訂閱任何的電子通訊、或登入會員,除以上情況發生以外,我們並不需要或要求您的個人識別資料。在每一次收集個人資訊時,我們會通知您及讓您知道是否有如此必要。

The Company collects, uses, and is responsible for certain personal information about this website’s users. 

When you contact the Company voluntarily through purchasing our products and services, making phone calls or sending email to us, visiting our website, subscribing to our newsletters, commenting in the social platforms or blog which the Company are using, participate in a contest, etc., you are giving us to your personal information in the following ways:

  1. Purchase in our website or store using any kinds of electronic device, you will provide your real name, gender, age range, your order details and preferences, and your contact details;
  2. Purchase tarot reading service from us, you will provide your name, gender, age range, and possibly expose some personal info such as date of birth, your profession or your business sector, your marital status, your family status or background, etc. For further statements about privacy concerning reading service, please see Code of Ethics and Conducts and refer to the part of Reading logs in the Privacy Policy. 
  3. Attending any kind of our tuition service, will give us your name, contact details, purchasing preferences and study level in tarot or spiritual work; 
  4. Purchase or participate aromatherapy service from us, you will provide your name, gender, age range, and possibly expose some personal info such as career, your marital status, health condition, etc;
  5. Purchasing from or engaging with our affiliates or third parties who work with us, you understand those platforms have different policies towards personal info collecting; 
  6. Sending enquiry to us through email or contact form on this website, you will give us your name, contact details, enquiry details, feedback and response within such communication; 
  7. Register on this website for membership, with user ID and password, to access some members-only contents on this website, you have to give us your login name, email, gender, and your password entering this website; 
  8. Subscribing to our electronic newsletters, to receive information about tarot, cartomancy or spiritual related contents, or instructional resources for learning tarot, you will give us your name, email address and preferences about spiritual topics; 
  9. Subscribing to our special mailing list, whether online or offline, by providing your contact method(s) and your name, contact details, age range, shopping preference, in order to receive information about products and services promotions;
  10. Following, commenting or reacting to the posts on social media platforms such as Medium, we may be able to collect your information of public profile on those social platforms;
  11. Participating in a contest, whether online or offline, you will provide your name, your contact details and your preferences towards merchandise, in order to receive notifications and delivery for your prizes;
  12. Taking survey from us, whether online or offline, you will give us your personal info which is in conjunction with the survey, and you have the right to decide if you are willing to disclose your personal info for other purpose within the Company; 
  13. When you visit this website or the third-party platforms where the Company resides, we will carry out assessment, review and analyse non-personal data from visitors, in order to develop and improve the services which we are offering. 

We do not require personal identification information or individual data if you visit this website without downloading any file from Google, filling in forms, subscribing to our mail list or membership login – unless what is mentioned above happened. We will inform you and let you know whether it is necessary to collect your data in every case.

3. 我們如何使用您的個人資料/ How we use your information


Your contacts may be used for future contact or service promotion solely from us. We use those information to assist us in sending emails to you; fulfilling and delivering your orders for our products and services; completing your transactions; sending out promotions to you; improving our website performance and customer service.

4. 我們會對誰揭露有關您的資料/ What kind of info and who we share your info with


在任何情況下,在我們透露及使用您的個人資料之前,我們都會先得到您的同意。然而,您仍然需要了解該有關網站服務與第三方平台供應商的條款及私隱政策 (亦即包括但不限於 Hostinger 即我們的網站託管服務商、Google、Facebook 等地方)。

為了讓本公司完成交易手續及送達服務、履行您的商品及服務訂單,或管理銷售活動、改善客戶服務和網站功能,我們必須與以下這些正在使用或業務工作所需之第三方平台聯繫,當中包括但不限於 Google、Hostinger、Medium、Facebook、Mailchimp、Picktime、PayPal、轉數快,分享您以下全部或部份的資訊:

  1. 姓名
  2. 電郵
  3. 電話
  4. 性別
  5. 生日日期
  6. 付款資訊
  7. IP 地址 (當您與本網站有互動之時)
  8. 選購習慣

上述提到的某些第三方平台,接收位置位於歐洲經濟區 (EEA) 之外。了解更多詳細說明,包括於傳送資料予第三方平台時我們如何保護您的個人數據,請參閱本條款「歐洲經濟區外的個人資料使用及傳送」之部份。


We respect your privacy. Beyond the information which is necessary for your transaction for products and services through the functions provided by the third parties, without your consent, the Company never sells, trades, transfers, or reveals your information outside our business. 

Within all circumstances, we will ask for your consent before disclosure and use of such information. However, you still have to acknowledge the original terms of use and privacy policies from those related web hosts and third-party platforms, i.e., including but not limited to, Hostinger (our website host), Google or Facebook, etc.

To let us serve you and complete your transactions; to fulfil and deliver your products and services orders; to oversee promotions or contests, and to improve our customer service and website performance, we have to share some of all of the following information from you with some third-party recipients which we are using or working with, including but not limited to Google, Hostinger, Medium, Facebook, Mailchimp, Picktime, PayPal and FPS:

  1. Your name
  2. Your email address
  3. Your phone number
  4. Your gender
  5. Your date of birth
  6. Your billing information
  7. Your IP address (when you have interactive activities on this website)
  8. Your merchandising preferences

Some of the mentioned third-party recipients from the above are based outside the European Economic Area (EEA). To acquire further information including on how we safeguard your personal data when this happens, see Use and transfer of your information out of the EEA in this Privacy Policy.

The Company and this website may release personal information to enforce its ToU and Privacy Policy, manage its business, protect users or the general public, or comply with legal obligations. If you give the Company your permission, it may also use personal identification information for promotional purposes, contests, or special offers. In some cases, we may collect and share that personal info with third-parties, in connection with special offers or promotions.

5. 保留您的個人資料之時限/ For how long do we keep your information

包括客戶及非客戶,從與本公司的首次聯絡起計算,我們將保留您的個人資料 6 年;若為芳療服務客戶,最長時間為 8 年。您可以隨時取消訂閱我們的通訊,或要求我們刪除您的個人資料。

We hold all customer data, including clients and non-clients, in our files for 6 years from the first time when you and the Company communicated; we will hold your data for 8 years when you purchase or participate in our aromatherapy service. You can unsubscribe from our mailing lists, or request the deletion of personal data at any time.

6. 用戶端小型文字檔案/ Cookies

您的電腦很有可能會從本網站的寄存網站服務端 Hostinger、以及我們正在使用中的各個第三方服務或社交平台,包括但不限於 Google、Facebook 等等供應商端接收到「曲奇餅」。



You may receive “cookies” from the Company’s web host, Hostinger, and the third parties or social platform hosts where our services reside, including but not limited to Google, Medium, etc.

Cookies are small pieces of information (files) that a website transfers to an individual’s computer for keeping visiting records on; these files are only sent back to the website that deposited them when a visitor returns to that site. Through these cookies, we may be able to collect non-personal data to analyse our website’s performances, track user patterns and save your preferences from your previous visits. Those non-personal data includes the type of devices and browsers, operating system, user locations, website area you have visited or searched with, or the online location where you referred from to this website, etc. We will ask for your consent when we have to send out cookies. 

Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can, however, reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. Please consider modifying your computer browser setting if you have doubts about receiving cookies.

7. 通用數據保障條例 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 及數據保護法案 Data Protection Act 2018

Nes’ Tarot 會遵守和履行歐盟的「通用數據保障條例 General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR」,以及英國的「數據保護法案 Data Protection Act 2018」,並承諾資料將妥善存放於符合相關法規的服務供應商,而我們要對於掌管這些個人資料負責。

唯請注意,可共享到這些有關您的個人資料的第三方平台或服務供應商,位置可能不只限於英國或歐盟,例如位於美國的 Google。在您使用本網站或我們的在線服務時,您同意此資料傳送。

Nes’ Tarot will adhere to and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from the European Union (EU), as well as the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 2018. We are responsible as controllers of that personal info for those laws.

Please note that the third-party platforms or service providers whom we might share your personal info with, are located at but not limited to the United Kingdom or the EU, for example, Google from the United States. By using this website or participating in our online services, you consent to this transfer.

8. 您的權利/ Your rights


如果您身處的地區受「歐盟一般資料保護規範 (GDPR)」保障,您將擁有幾項重要的無償 (免費) 權利:

  1. 了解我們如何公正、透明地處理您的個人資料;
  2. 訪問您的個人訊息,以及一些與本私隱政策宗旨需要補充的内容;
  3. 要求我們修正您的個人資訊;
  4. 在一些特定情況下,刪除您的個人資料;
  5. 以人為及電腦均可讀懂之格式,接收您的個人資料,並在某些情況下將該資料或數據傳輸給第三方平台;
  6. 反對我們給您的直接營銷;
  7. 反對因為電腦自動化做出的某些決定,導致對您產生法律效力、或類似的重大影響;
  8. 在某些情況下,反對或限制我們繼續處理您的個人資料;
  9. 要求賠償您,因我們違反任何數據保護法律而造成您的損失。

有關以上說明之詳細内容,可參閱 GDPR 之官方網站 (只有英文/德文版本)。

如您想行使以上列出的任何權利,您可以通過電郵或書面信件通知我們 (地址於本條款的「聯絡我們」部份列出)。請向我們提供您的身份和地址證明,例如您的駕駛執照,以便我們識別您的身份並處理您的請求。


You have the right to unsubscribe from our opt-in lists, whether by email or private messages, online or offline, at any time. The Company will ensure each email or message will contain instructions for unsubscribing from us. 

If you are covered by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have several important rights free of charge:

  1. Fair processing and transparency over how we use your personal info;
  2. Have access to your personal info and other supplementary contents that this Privacy Policy is designed to address;
  3. Request us to amend your personal info;
  4. Request us to erase your personal info in some certain cases;
  5. Receive personal info about you on a common, both human and machine-readable formats, and transmit that info or data to a third-party in some situations;
  6. Object some direct marketing from us concerning you;
  7. Object to some decisions being taken by a automated means which produce legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you;
  8. Objection or restriction to some of our continued processing of your personal info in some circumstances; 
  9. To claim compensation for damages caused by our breach of any data protection laws.

Further information on each of those rights can be found at the GDPR’s official website.

To exercise any of the rights listed above, you can write to us in email or paper-formed letters (addresses listed in the part of Contact Us in this ToU and Privacy Policy). Please provide us with proof of your identity and address, for example, your driving licence, so we can identify you and process your request.

We treat everybody equally, even if you withhold our right to use your personal info or data, either for consumer behaviour research or any kind of marketing purpose within our business.

9. 您的紙牌分析紀錄/ Reading logs

您的讀牌內容將會留下電子檔案紀錄的足跡,不論檔案會否在檔案中被刪除。您所有的資料及對話內容只會存留在我們的紀錄檔案中,而不會被出售、交換、轉移或揭露予第三者 (在「私隱政策」部份所提及的網絡與社交平台服務供應商除外)。

若您非常關心讀牌紀錄私隱問題︰公司負責人 Nes 有一位非常務私人秘書,可能會在聚會及面對面讀牌活動上得知您及有關聯絡資料,及協助筆錄當時的分析內容,然而她完全沒有分析讀牌內容的意圖。備註:除了牌名,她對解牌方法一無所知。


When you receive readings from us, there will be a file log or “traces” in digital form about your reading, no matter if the log has been deleted. All reading information and conversation in the log record are solely within our practice and will never be sold, traded, transferred, or revealed to any third party (except being retained in the web host – the same condition applies, mentioned in Privacy Policy).

Disclosure is provided here for those who are concerned: a non-executive secretary (Nes’ personal assistance) may have access to names and contacts for face-to-face reading during parties or reading events, and might jot down the reading conversation on the spot. However, she has no intention to examine the core content of the readings. FYI, she knows nothing about analysing cards 🙂 

For further statements about privacy concerning reading service, please see Code of Ethics and Conducts.

10. 連結對外網站或合作夥伴之聲明/ Links to other websites or affiliates, and disclaimer 

在某些情況下,您會在本網站看見通往對外 (第三方) 網站的連結。第三方網站提供的所有資訊、商品與服務均受與本網站不同的條款及隱私政策之約束。對於第三方網站提供的任何內容或所採取的行動,本公司不會承擔任何責任。



In certain cases, you may see links on this website to some third-party locations. All information, products, or services provided by third parties (affiliates contents) are subjected to separate terms and privacy policies. The Company is not accountable for any content presented or actions taken by those third-party websites. 

The Company may collaborate or partner with other businesses or individuals, which share our missions and align with our visions, in terms of products and services. As business affiliates we may receive compensation (whether financially or not) for those promotions in some cases; however, those kinds of marketing do not serve as any form of endorsement in any circumstance. 

While choosing affiliates’ promotions, you should and agree to use your own judgement to decide that any such products or services are suitable for you. You agree that you should assume all risks you may bear and the Company is not liable in any way for any affiliates products or services you have chosen through our website. 

11. 私隱安全聲明/ Privacy security disclaimer

在任何情況下,私隱是首要。但請記得,互聯網上沒有 100% 絕對安全的資料傳送。如果第三方在沒有得到同意下嘗試收集您及/或本網站的資料,均為沒有絕對保證的網上安全問題。在這情況下,您與我們將一同成為受害者。


In any case and by all means, confidentiality comes first. But please note that information over the internet is never 100% secure. If there is an attempt from some third parties to collect information without either of you or our consent during communication, no warranties are made about the security of all kinds of online contacts. In this case, the concerned third party makes you and the Company both victims.

For further statements about privacy concerning our reading service, please see Code of Ethics and Conducts

聯絡我們/ Contact us

若您對此使用條款及私隱聲明有任何查詢及疑問、有關對於您的個人資料私隱存留更改、或希望有更多閱讀條款支援,可電郵 (nes.tarot@gmail.com) 聯絡本公司負責人 Nes,電郵標題請標注「使用條款及聲明」。

If you have any inquiry or questions about the ToU or the Privacy Policy, or your personal information shared with us, or extra support in reading the terms, you can contact Nes, the CEO and the sole owner of the Company, with email (nes.tarot@gmail.com) in the subject of “ToU/ PP”.



If there is a discrepancy between Chinese and English versions of the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, the Chinese version shall prevail.

最後修正日期/ Last updated
1 SEPT 2024